Posts tagged dog treats
Building Trust with a Rescue Dog: Steps to Create a Safe and Loving Home

Who Rescued Whom?

The decision to adopt a dog is one of the biggest decisions you’ll make in your lifetime. After all, you’re expanding your family and welcoming a new member to your pack! However, the thought of adopting a rescue dog may cause some people to hesitate. Many people think that rescue dogs come along with too much damage, from fears to bad behaviors and health issues. Wouldn’t it be easier to just start fresh?

Not at all! Rescue dogs make wonderful companions that offer companionship and unconditional love to their adopted families. You’ll need to prepare your home and your heart equally whether you choose to bring home a rescue dog or buy from a responsible breeder. What’s more, adopting a rescue dog helps give a deserving dog another chance at a happy life!

Why You Should Rescue a Dog

Rescuing a dog can be a rewarding experience for everyone involved. Here are just a few of the reasons why you should rescue your next dog: 

  1. You’re saving a life. This one is obvious–it’s an incredible feeling to save a life! Dogs wind up in shelters for myriad reasons, and every dog deserves a chance at a happy, healthy life filled with love. You’ll see in the way your rescue dog “smiles” and wags their tail just how thankful they are that you found them.

  2. You’re saving other lives, too. Shelter overpopulation is a serious problem, and animal shelters nationwide are pressed for space to rescue and care for animals in need. By adopting a dog, you’re freeing up a space for another dog that needs help.

  3. You’re supporting animal health and protection services. Rescue organizations like Orange County Animal Services do so much for the community at large, offering services like spaying/neutering, microchipping, and beyond. When you adopt from one of these facilities, your money is helping to improve and maintain such programs.

  4. You’re gaining a new best friend. Everyone loves love! Your rescue dog will give you just as much love as you give them. What’s not to love about a walking partner, adventure pal, playmate, and snuggle buddy all in one?

How to Make the Right Environment for Your Rescue Dog

Rescue dogs don’t have it easy, and they may be a little skittish at first depending on their histories and how they handled their time at the shelter–which is understandable. If your rescue seems a little nervous or reluctant at first, don’t worry. The commonly cited “3-3-3” rule says that rescue dogs tend to take 3 days to acclimate to their surroundings, 3 weeks to train and learn expectations, and 3 months to embrace routines and increase exposure to new places. Help ease the transition with a few easy preparation tips.

Understand your rescue dog’s background

It’s a great idea to get as much information as you can about your rescue dog from the shelter you’re adopting them from. Learn about their past experiences, potential phobias, health issues, and so on so that you can better understand their current behavioral quirks. 

Be sure to brush up on the common signs of fear and aggression in dogs. It’s important to understand what your new dog is trying to communicate with you through its body language and barking. Always be patient when you’re getting to know each other–if your dog could speak human languages, it would probably make things easier!

Make your home a safe space

Every dog should have a safe, quiet space where they can go when they feel overwhelmed or overstimulated. Crate training is a great way to establish such a space while also being an effective training tool. Don’t forget to add plenty of comfortable blankets, cushions, and toys depending on their preferences. 

Consistency can also help your dog feel safe and secure. Establish a routine as soon as possible; regular walking, feeding, playtime, and quiet time will give your dog a sense of belonging and stability.

Bond with your dog

You and your dog will ease into your relationship–don’t try to rush it at first! Be gentle, patient, and use lots of positive reinforcement to let them know they’re in a safe space. Giving your dog healthy, high-value treats will ensure they look forward to spending time with you.

Training is an excellent bonding activity as it establishes clear communication between you and your canine friend. By giving them clear commands, they’ll learn to read you better and be more confident in their interactions with you. 

And of course, give your dog lots of opportunities for play and both physical and mental exercise. Exercise and mental stimulation help keep your dog healthy, give them the chance to burn off extra energy, and they’re lots of fun!

Consult with your veterinarian

The professionals are here to help you successfully integrate your new dog into your family. You should establish your new dog with your veterinarian as soon as possible to ensure they’re up to date on vaccinations and any health issues are properly managed. Don’t be afraid to ask questions about behavior, acclimation, training, and whatever else is on your mind. 

Plenty of reputable dog training classes are available around Central Florida. Your veterinarian may even be able to give you a trusted recommendation of their own.

The Right Rescue Dog is Waiting For You

The most important thing to keep in mind when you bring home a rescue dog: patience. Your rescue dog has been through a lot; give them patience and be gentle as they get used to their new surroundings and learn how to fit in with your family. 

Make training fun and exciting with all-natural treats, like Pawsitively Pure’s Blueberry and Oat treats or Chicken Crisps. Head over to our online store to shop now!

5 Tips To Help Your Dog Make The Transition Back To The Office With You

Your Dog is the Perfect At-Home Coworker

If you’re one of the many people who work from home, you know how special it is to have your dog by your side while you complete your daily tasks. Although occasionally distracting, dogs are great coworkers: They offer you a source of comfort and support when you’re stressed, they encourage you to take regular breaks away from your desk, and they never have an issue with what you have for lunch. Your dog appreciates your constant companionship, too! You know they’d never pass up the opportunity to spend more time with you (and all those extra belly rubs are an excellent bonus). 

But many companies are starting to encourage their employees to return to the office. This can be a difficult transition for you and your dog alike–you’ll both need to get used to new routines and a change in surroundings. If you’ve been called back to the office, it’s important that you help your dog adjust to the situation as much as possible. 

Dogs Thrive on Routines

Dogs are at their best when they’re able to follow a consistent routine. Giving them set times to eat, walk, play, and sleep helps them to be at their best behavior; they gain a great deal of calmness and confidence in themselves when they’re able to regularly practice daily tasks and commands. 

When you no longer work from home, you’re creating a huge change in your dog’s regular routine. Keep reading to learn five great techniques you can use to help make the transition much less stressful for your dog. 

Gradually Increase the Amount of Time You Spend Out of the House

If you suddenly switch from staying at home 24/7 to being gone for more than eight hours a day, there’s a good chance your dog will struggle and even experience some form of separation anxiety. If it’s possible, take a couple of weeks before your official back-to-the-office date and gradually increase the amount of time you spend away from home and your dog. 

As you go through this process, make sure you establish patterns that you’ll be carrying out before you leave and after you return from work. For example, start each morning by taking your dog for a walk and feeding them breakfast at a specific time; when you return, you can dedicate a few minutes to playing with their favorite toy or spending some time in the backyard. Whatever routine you choose, just be sure it’s as consistent as possible.

Give Your Dog as Much Exercise as Possible

Going for a long walk first thing in the morning, or before your shift begins, is a great way to tire your dog out so they’ll have the opportunity to sleep through your absence. All exercise can help boost your dog’s endorphins and increase their sense of independence. Furthermore, exercising together–whether you go on a trail run or play Frisbee in the backyard–is the perfect way to bond with your dog and let them know just how much you care about them. They’ll be at ease when you leave for the day, knowing that they’ll get to enjoy another great play session as soon as you return. 

Create a Safe Space for Your Dog

By now, your dog should have at least one safe, comfortable space to call their own in your home. If you’ve been working from home for some time, one of their safe spaces is probably somewhere in your office–I know I have a dog bed ready in the corner of my own home office. When you’re away from your dog for longer periods of time, they’ll need some extra comfort and reassurance, so be sure to put a piece of clothing or a stuffed animal that smells like you somewhere they can easily access it. 

Crate training can be extremely helpful in situations like these. Not only does a crate offer your dog a safe and comfortable place in which to retreat, but it can also help protect your home from any damage that could be caused by anxious and destructive behavior. Some dogs tend to chew or scratch when they’re home alone to help soothe the anxiety they’re experiencing. Crating is a great solution to this issue, but if you do decide to crate your dog while you’re away, it’s crucial that you ensure they have access to food, water, and a place or opportunity to potty.

Desensitize Your Dog to the Cues That Indicate You’re Leaving

Do you ever get the feeling that your dog can tell when you’re about to leave? Well, they can! Your dog can associate cues like putting on shoes or packing a backpack with you leaving the house. Some dogs can even determine if you’ll be away for a long time based on what your routine is before you leave. 

To help combat the nervousness your dog may experience when you take these actions, go through your leaving routine without actually leaving. For instance, if you put on your shoes and grab a backpack but don’t leave the house, you’ll weaken your dog’s association of these actions with you leaving the house. When you actually do leave, they won’t be starting the day with anxiety through the roof. 

Give Your Dog Puzzle Toys

Offering your dog mental stimulation is a great way to keep them distracted and wear them out. Whether you give them a Kong stuffed with treats or a puzzle filled with hidden goodies, they’ll be so focused on getting those tasty morsels that they won’t be as prone to anxiety. 

A word of caution before you go this route: you should never leave your dog unsupervised with a toy they could choke on. Make sure you do a trial run with your toys before you set them out to entertain your dog; and if you know your dog to be a chewer, it may be best to avoid giving them such toys while you’re not at home. A soft snuffle mat would be a great choice as it doesn’t have small parts that could be hazardous to your pup. 

Above All, Be Patient With Your Dog

Just as it will take you some time to adjust to your new routine, it will also take some time to adjust to being away from you for longer periods. Transitions are never easy, so be patient with your dog and offer them plenty of high-reward treats for good behavior. Pawsitively Pure offers delicious, healthy dog treats for dogs of every age and life stage. Browse our online store or send us a message to learn more!

Locally Made Dog Food is Better for You, Your Dog, and Your Community

Your Dog’s New Favorite Food is Just Down the Street

One of our favorite parts of owning a local dog food shop in Orlando is getting to meet all of the fun, furry friends who love our food and treats. Every weekend, we attend several farmers’ markets around Central Florida where we get the chance to interact with Orlando’s wonderful pet parents and their dogs of all ages, sizes, and breeds. We love being able to share our nutritional knowledge and getting to know your stories, as well!

Many dog parents are embracing the benefits of shopping at their neighborhood pet stores instead of big box stores. According to PetBusiness magazine, independent and neighborhood pet stores are critical to the pet supplies industry overall since they have more direct interaction with local clientele and are often early adopters of awesome new dog food, supplements, and health and training techniques. Beyond that, there are so many great reasons to visit your local farmers’ markets or independent pet supply stores when it’s time to fill the food bowl, and we’re here to talk about them!

The Benefits of Shopping Locally for Dog Food & Treats

Save on shipping costs, save the environment

Every smart shopper wants to save money and find the best deals wherever they can, right? By shopping at local stores and markets for your dog food and treats, you’ll save those extra dollars you would otherwise spend on shipping costs! Lots of pet supply stores offer a few different options for local dog moms and dads to get their supplies; Pawsitively Pure offers free doorstep delivery for Central Florida pups, and we have food and treats available for you to take home at several farmers’ markets each weekend!

Here’s another bonus to avoiding shipping: shopping locally is better for the environment. When you order dog food or treats that need to be shipped over long distances, they often require air transportation, truck transportation, and beyond. Each of these uses a great deal of fuel and in turn creates harmful emissions that damage the ozone layer. Local pickup also reduces the need for packaging which may create additional waste.

Support your community

Makers and retailers in your community deserve your support! Not only does shopping locally directly financially support members of your community, it also goes a long way to help support other institutions in your community as well. Financially supporting a small business can give them the opportunity to expand their operations and eventually hire other individuals from your community. Additionally, local businesses may donate to local charities and foundations, like our very own Orange County Animal Services here in the Orlando area. 

Get tips directly from the maker

When it comes to the big-box pet food companies, it can be hard to get in touch with the people who make the food to answer your questions and give you nutrition advice. When you shop with a small local business, however, you’ll be able to meet the people behind the products and get their insights on how their food can help your dog. They can also offer you tips to get the most out of your dog’s diet and how to tailor your food and treats to your dog’s age, breed, and stage of life. It definitely comes in handy when you have a burning question!

Enjoy the “freshness factor”

Small-batch, locally sourced dog food is created with the freshest ingredients. You can rest assured that your dog’s locally made food wasn’t made with a bunch of fillers to help offset costs. Gently cooked dog food like the food we make at Pawsitively Pure is made with nothing but the good stuff and is formulated with dogs’ health in mind. We have seen firsthand how much our dogs’ lives have improved since we moved to wholesome dog food and we want to spread that joy to our community!

Start Shopping Locally Today!

There’s never been a better time to find a locally owned dog food and treat company that can fulfill your dogs’ nutritional needs. The team at Pawsitively Pure is always available to answer questions about our products. Fill out our contact form on our website or send us a message on Facebook or Instagram! 

5 Tips to Make Road Trips With Your Dogs Fun for Everyone
chocolate lab yawning in front seat of car

Preparing for a Long Journey With Your Pet

Summer is hot on our heels, and with it come summer vacations, trips to the beach, and family getaways for the whole family. There are so many dog-friendly activities around Florida that cater to pets of all different sizes, ages, and activity levels and their parents. But before you hit the open road, there’s one thing to consider: you need to cater to your dog’s needs during the journey. 

While many dogs do love car rides – we’ve all seen happy pups with their heads out the window, ears flapping in the breeze – it’s still important to make sure your dog will stay comfortable for the duration of your travels, especially if you’ll be on the road for more than a couple of hours. As always, preparation is key to make the trip a success! 

What if Your Dog Has Car Anxiety?

Some dogs aren’t as excited as others to hop in the car and go for a ride. Just like humans, some dogs may get car sick, and others just don’t like to be enclosed in a small space for very long. While you can still take your dog places, we recommend that you don’t travel too far if you know your dog has travel anxiety. Even with all the toys, treats, and comfort items, your dog will still get uncomfortable at some point.

If you have a few months before your road trip commences, you can start training your dog to love the car. Take it slowly and give your dog treats every time they comfortably approach your vehicle. Once they’re happy enough to hop in on their own, take short trips and give them plenty of treats along the way. You can even set up some puzzle games and toys in the car so they have a reason to look forward to being in there. 

Equipment to Bring for Your Dog-Friendly Road Trip

Food and Water

Dogs are creatures of habit and function the best when they’re sticking to a schedule. If your road trip will coincide with their regular feeding time, make sure you factor in a stop so you can feed them appropriately. If your dog tends to graze throughout the day, make sure their food is accessible in a stable location so they won’t stumble or strain themselves while they’re feeding. 

All dogs should have clean, fresh water readily available to them at all times. If you’ll be on the road for longer than an hour, you should invest in a travel bowl that’s comfortable enough to drink from and can stay sturdy inside a moving vehicle. Bring along enough water with you so you can go the duration of your trip without seeing an empty water bowl.

Safety Harnesses and Equipment

While Florida laws do not require dogs to be restrained in your car while you’re driving, it’s still a good idea to make sure they have safety equipment that will keep them from stumbling and protect them in the event that you need to stop short. Specialized harnesses hook up to your seatbelts and keep your dog secure without being uncomfortable.

If your dog is more comfortable in his kennel, get a travel kennel and put it in the back of your car. This is ideal for people with SUVs and cars that have back seats that can fold down. Your dog will feel right at home while you’re on the go! Just make sure they still have access to their food and water. 

Toys, Treats, and Comfort Items

Even a dog that loves car rides can get bored or uncomfortable after an extended period of time. Give them lots of fun and comforting items that keep them busy and make them feel safe. Offer treats to your dogs for good behavior and give them toys to snuggle and some to chew on. Be sure that offering treats doesn’t turn you into a distracted driver; it’s safest to grab and offer treats when your car is at a full stop. 

Tips for Staying Safe and Having Fun

Factor in More Stops Than You Would Without Your Dog

You may have developed a bladder of steel if you’re a seasoned road trip enthusiast, but your dog should have plenty of opportunities to take a break and do their business. Be sure to properly clean up after your dog at every stop; you’ll want to bring plenty of waste collection bags with you in case they’re not freely available. Your dog will also appreciate the chance to smell some new smells and explore!

Ensure Your Dog Has His Own Space

It can be so tempting to cuddle your dog on your lap while you drive, but doing so can be very dangerous. Not only does it turn you into a distracted driver and prevent you from having full range of motion, it also puts your dog at risk in the case of stopping short or an accident. Make sure your dog has a designated space in your car, preferably in the back seat. This can take some getting used to, so it’s a good idea to spend time familiarizing your dog with their area before you hit the road. 

Sleepy Dogs are Happy Travelers

The best scenario for everyone is when your dog gets to snooze while you get a majority of the driving out of the way. Before you start your journey, make sure you take your dog for a long walk and give them some mental stimulation through puzzles and toys. They’ll be in a relaxed state by the time you start to drive, and they should be able to get a nap in. 

There’s Nothing Better Than a Vacation With Your Dog

We love being able to take our dogs to the beaches and dog-friendly places across the state. Florida is a wonderful place for pet parents to thrive and give their pets lots of new and fun experiences. When you’re ready to hit the road, make sure you’re stocked up with healthy dog treats to make the trip fun and easy. Visit our online shop and choose from peanut butter & pumpkin flavor or blueberry & oat flavor!

Ingredient Spotlight: Chicken

As we hope you’ve heard by now, we released our brand new Chicken Crisps over the summer! They’re the latest addition to our line of wholesome, human-grade treats for dogs. How do we make them? We dehydrate chicken--and that’s it. Nothing more than wholesome protein and a craveable crunch for your four-legged friends.

If you’re just entering the world of human-grade dog food and wholesome diets, knowing which proteins to choose for your dog might be difficult. After all, we know that some human foods--even healthy fruits and vegetables, like grapes and avocados--are dangerous to dogs. Luckily, most dogs can ingest a wide variety of proteins, from chicken to lamb, without too much difficulty beyond the normal food transition period.

A Lean, Healthy Protein

You’ve probably had a chicken-based or chicken-flavored food for your dog at some point. Most dogs find chicken pretty tasty, giving it instant appeal as a treat. Chicken is among the lean proteins, so it’s a great way to provide your dog with the energy he needs for a full day of fun without extra calories.

Vitamins and Minerals

Chicken is full of healthy vitamins and minerals that help your dog live her best life! First of all, it’s a great source of Omega-6 Fatty Acids, which are beneficial fats that give your dog a beautiful coat and healthy skin. It’s also packed with glucosamine, a natural substance that helps maintain healthy joints and reduce pain and stiffness from arthritis. The great thing about dehydrating the chicken, like we do for our Chicken Crisps, is that they keep all the added nutrients of chicken since they’re not heated or cooked.

A Word of Caution

Most people think that grain allergies are the most common food allergies in dogs, when in reality, dogs are more likely to have sensitivities to proteins they’re not used to. Before you feed your dog chicken and chicken-based products, give them a small amount and monitor them for any stomach upset or loose stools. 

Dogs go Crazy for Chicken Crisps!

So far, all the dogs we’ve seen that have gotten to try our Chicken Crisps gobble them up like there’s no tomorrow! They’re crunchy without being too hard on the teeth and just plain delicious. Purchase a bag for your dog here, or call Pawsitively Pure at 407-450-6151 for more information.