Posts tagged dog adoption
Building Trust with a Rescue Dog: Steps to Create a Safe and Loving Home

Who Rescued Whom?

The decision to adopt a dog is one of the biggest decisions you’ll make in your lifetime. After all, you’re expanding your family and welcoming a new member to your pack! However, the thought of adopting a rescue dog may cause some people to hesitate. Many people think that rescue dogs come along with too much damage, from fears to bad behaviors and health issues. Wouldn’t it be easier to just start fresh?

Not at all! Rescue dogs make wonderful companions that offer companionship and unconditional love to their adopted families. You’ll need to prepare your home and your heart equally whether you choose to bring home a rescue dog or buy from a responsible breeder. What’s more, adopting a rescue dog helps give a deserving dog another chance at a happy life!

Why You Should Rescue a Dog

Rescuing a dog can be a rewarding experience for everyone involved. Here are just a few of the reasons why you should rescue your next dog: 

  1. You’re saving a life. This one is obvious–it’s an incredible feeling to save a life! Dogs wind up in shelters for myriad reasons, and every dog deserves a chance at a happy, healthy life filled with love. You’ll see in the way your rescue dog “smiles” and wags their tail just how thankful they are that you found them.

  2. You’re saving other lives, too. Shelter overpopulation is a serious problem, and animal shelters nationwide are pressed for space to rescue and care for animals in need. By adopting a dog, you’re freeing up a space for another dog that needs help.

  3. You’re supporting animal health and protection services. Rescue organizations like Orange County Animal Services do so much for the community at large, offering services like spaying/neutering, microchipping, and beyond. When you adopt from one of these facilities, your money is helping to improve and maintain such programs.

  4. You’re gaining a new best friend. Everyone loves love! Your rescue dog will give you just as much love as you give them. What’s not to love about a walking partner, adventure pal, playmate, and snuggle buddy all in one?

How to Make the Right Environment for Your Rescue Dog

Rescue dogs don’t have it easy, and they may be a little skittish at first depending on their histories and how they handled their time at the shelter–which is understandable. If your rescue seems a little nervous or reluctant at first, don’t worry. The commonly cited “3-3-3” rule says that rescue dogs tend to take 3 days to acclimate to their surroundings, 3 weeks to train and learn expectations, and 3 months to embrace routines and increase exposure to new places. Help ease the transition with a few easy preparation tips.

Understand your rescue dog’s background

It’s a great idea to get as much information as you can about your rescue dog from the shelter you’re adopting them from. Learn about their past experiences, potential phobias, health issues, and so on so that you can better understand their current behavioral quirks. 

Be sure to brush up on the common signs of fear and aggression in dogs. It’s important to understand what your new dog is trying to communicate with you through its body language and barking. Always be patient when you’re getting to know each other–if your dog could speak human languages, it would probably make things easier!

Make your home a safe space

Every dog should have a safe, quiet space where they can go when they feel overwhelmed or overstimulated. Crate training is a great way to establish such a space while also being an effective training tool. Don’t forget to add plenty of comfortable blankets, cushions, and toys depending on their preferences. 

Consistency can also help your dog feel safe and secure. Establish a routine as soon as possible; regular walking, feeding, playtime, and quiet time will give your dog a sense of belonging and stability.

Bond with your dog

You and your dog will ease into your relationship–don’t try to rush it at first! Be gentle, patient, and use lots of positive reinforcement to let them know they’re in a safe space. Giving your dog healthy, high-value treats will ensure they look forward to spending time with you.

Training is an excellent bonding activity as it establishes clear communication between you and your canine friend. By giving them clear commands, they’ll learn to read you better and be more confident in their interactions with you. 

And of course, give your dog lots of opportunities for play and both physical and mental exercise. Exercise and mental stimulation help keep your dog healthy, give them the chance to burn off extra energy, and they’re lots of fun!

Consult with your veterinarian

The professionals are here to help you successfully integrate your new dog into your family. You should establish your new dog with your veterinarian as soon as possible to ensure they’re up to date on vaccinations and any health issues are properly managed. Don’t be afraid to ask questions about behavior, acclimation, training, and whatever else is on your mind. 

Plenty of reputable dog training classes are available around Central Florida. Your veterinarian may even be able to give you a trusted recommendation of their own.

The Right Rescue Dog is Waiting For You

The most important thing to keep in mind when you bring home a rescue dog: patience. Your rescue dog has been through a lot; give them patience and be gentle as they get used to their new surroundings and learn how to fit in with your family. 

Make training fun and exciting with all-natural treats, like Pawsitively Pure’s Blueberry and Oat treats or Chicken Crisps. Head over to our online store to shop now!

All in the Family: Pros and Cons of Having a Multi-Dog Household
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If you’ve been keeping up with us on social media, you probably know that we’ve recently welcomed a new pup to our home. Little Miles brings our grand total to 3 furbabies. Some people may look at our very dog-friendly lifestyle and wonder how we do it - how do we get 3 dogs to get along in one household? How do we make sure they’re all reaching their health and nutritional goals? How do we have any room left on the couch between the three of them?!

Of course, there are additional responsibilities that come with introducing more dogs to your family. However, a multi-family household has a handful of benefits you just can’t get with an only dog. Here are the pros and cons of having a multi-dog household: 


  • They’ll keep each other entertained and exercised! When your dog has a playmate around, they’re able to play tug-of-war, fetch, and wrestling when you’re not around to initiate playtime. You may find your dogs like to race each other. Whatever the play style, they’ll be able to take the often time-consuming task of exercising your dog off of the table.

  • Having another dog around helps with puppy training. If you introduce a puppy to your family, chances are they’ll follow in your older dogs’ footsteps. You may find your puppy is easier to train as it will pick up cues from its pack leader.

  • What’s cuter than one dog? Two dogs! We all want to spoil our dogs with the most love and attention, but we find our hearts are even fuller when there are more dogs around to take care of. You’ll have a lot more love in your household with multiple dogs.


  • Introductions can be difficult. If your dogs aren’t introduced properly, you may find their transition period tumultuous. Sometimes dogs just don’t get along, and having two dogs in one house that don’t get along is never a good time.

  • You’ll probably have more expenses with multiple dogs. While you’ll probably find that food costs really aren’t increased by a lot, having to pay two vet bills can be prohibitive to some pet parents.

  • You’ll have more cleanup to do. Multiple dogs means multiple sources of shedding, dirty paws, and wet fur. Of course, we love these little things about our dogs, but for a head of household that already has their hands full, cleaning up after multiple dogs might just not be in the picture.

When it comes down to it, the right number of dogs for your household really depends on your unique situation. Take into account whether or not you have a yard, the amount of space in your home, and your emergency budget cushion. If you have room in your home and your heart for another dog, why not adopt? To learn more about the best nutrition for your new dog, browse through our shop or send us an email!

How to Introduce a New Dog to Your Family

Is there anything more exciting than bringing a new dog home? There’s so much to learn and love as you and your new dog become more familiar. As dog owners already know, every dog has its own unique personality, and getting to know a dog is just like getting to know your new best friend! Whether you’re adopting a puppy or an older dog from the shelter, it’ll take some time to get familiar and comfortable around each other, especially if you already have dogs in your family.

Sometimes introductions between dogs are super easy, and other times they’re more fractious. Whichever way you think the introduction may go, it’s important to be prepared so you can make the process as smoothly as possible. Here are a few of our tips to help you make your new dog feel at home: 

  • Make sure you have a partner with you during the first few introductions. Introducing dogs is not a one-man job. Make sure you have a friend with you and that each of you is assigned to one dog. Before you get started, make sure your helper knows your house rules for your dog, and that they should keep a calm demeanor. Your dog responds to your emotions, so it’s important that you set the tone and stay cool.

  • If possible, do the introductions in a neutral space. Dogs are territorial animals. Bringing a new dog into your home before they’re acquainted can spark some aggressive behavior and lead to your dogs not getting along. Don’t go somewhere with a lot of other dogs and stimulation, like a dog park, or there are too many opportunities for distraction.

  • Introduce in short spurts, rather than one large session. It’s important to have other things on hand to keep your dog busy during the introduction. You should begin by letting them touch noses and sniff for a brief few moments, then separate them to do some training work. Continue to pepper in small interactions until the big feelings of excitement have worn off.

With the right preparation, your new dog will be part of your family in no time. It’s all about the way you set the stage for your dogs. To learn more about guiding your dogs through positive interaction, talk with your vet. To get treats for your dog to help things go smoothly, visit our shop today!

Want to Help Dogs in Need in Orlando?

According to the Mosby Foundation, only one of every 10 dogs born will find a forever home. What’s more, there’s a 94% chance that a dog that enters a shelter won’t leave that shelter. Around the world and here at home, there are so many dogs that need our help. But it’s not feasible to open our doors to every homeless dog in need we find. How can we help?

Orlando is home to a number of great organizations, like the Pet Alliance of Greater Orlando, that work to provide compassionate, knowledgeable services for pets and help pets in need get adopted. If you’re not in the market to adopt a pet, that doesn’t mean you can’t help! Here are some of the best ways to help furry friends that need it most in your area:

  • Volunteer. Many organizations around Central Florida and elsewhere rely heavily on the help of volunteers. Typical volunteer duties may include exercising and walking dogs, enrichment programs, cleaning kennels, and so on. The Pet Alliance also has available opportunities to volunteer in administrative capacities if that’s more your speed. Either way, you’ll be helping a great organization continue to do the work it needs to do.

  • Donate. If you can’t donate your time via a volunteer opportunity, you can donate your money to help a shelter or organization get the supplies it needs. Most organizations have wish lists of things like blankets, food, and toys that they need to keep their animals happy and healthy. You can always organize a fundraiser - people are usually willing to donate to help animals in need!

  • Educate. Social media is an extremely helpful tool for animal shelters like the Pet Alliance. By sharing posts of adoptable animals or upcoming events, you’re helping spread the word to more people than you may realize! Any time you get the chance, educate your friends and your community about how they can help, and always try to lead by example when it comes to how you treat your animals.

There are so many dogs in Orlando that need your help. Donating your time and money is a great way to help, and it’ll help you know that you’ve done something good for your community. Browse through our shop or send us an email for more information.

3 Reasons Why Your Family Needs a Dog

As we’re sure you’re aware, the holiday season is right at our doorstep. As the air cools down just a little bit, shopping centers are beginning to put up their red and green decorations, and families are sending out invitations to their parties and preparing for the arrival of relatives. If you’re wondering about the best gift to give your family this holiday season, we’d love to suggest getting a dog.

Here at Pawsitively Pure, we advocate responsible pet ownership, and a pet you bring home for Christmas is a pet for life. But if you have the right intentions, a dog can be a perfect Christmas gift and benefit your family for years to come. Here are three reasons why your family will be all the better with the love and companionship of a pup:

  1. Dogs can help your children learn responsibility. Maybe your parents got you a pet when you were growing up to help you understand responsibility, too. While dogs are a lot of fun, they also require a lot of care and attention to help them thrive. You can put your children in charge of daily dog duties, like taking them for a walk and making sure they get the right amount of human grade dog food for dinner.

  2. Dogs can help everyone learn a little patience. Sometimes the training phase can be frustrating when bringing a new dog into the house. By working with your new furry friend through these issues, you’ll learn to be more patient and to work through issues instead of giving up. This isn’t just beneficial for the little ones - we can all do with a little more patience as we help our dogs grow happy and healthy.

  3. Dogs are the best stress relievers. Coming home after a long day at the office? Are your children stressed about upcoming exams? Just take a little break to play with your pup! Studies have shown that even something as simple as petting a dog can take a load of stress off your plate. High stress can lead to physical illness, so having a dog around the house can keep everyone happy and healthy.

The team at Pawsitively Pure advocates adoption when you’re looking for a new family friend. Now that Florida has passed Amendment 13, outlawing greyhound racing, there are soon to be a number of dogs looking for their forever homes. Check with your local shelter or rescue program to find out more. To order your Pawsitively Pure food, bone broth, and treats, click here, or find us on Facebook!