Posts tagged raw feeding
Why We Prefer Gently Cooked Over Raw Food

The Pet Nutrition Revolution Continues

Just a decade or so ago, it seemed there were only a handful of dog food brands you could choose from, each one a different variety of kibble. This is one of the main reasons why we founded Pawsitively Pure Dog Food in 2007–with a handful of dog food manufacturers producing a majority of the kibble available on the shelves, and with those manufacturers frequently announcing recalls due to food safety issues, we knew we had to find a better solution for our furry friends. 

Nutrition has become a major focus for pet parents worldwide. As they seek healthier alternatives, many dog moms and dads have ditched kibble in favor of more natural food sources. In particular, gently cooked diets and raw diets have taken the dog nutrition world by storm. But how do you know which variety is best for your dog? How can you tread the line between convenience, cost, and the best nutrition possible?

Here at Pawsitively Pure Dog Food, we offer a variety of gently cooked dog food flavors to keep your dogs happy and healthy. Through our experience, we believe that gently cooked dog food offers the best solution for dogs and their humans alike. 

Gently Cooked is the Way to Go

Gently cooked dog food is a healthy, complete meal system for dogs of any age and stage of life that still offers convenience and cost effectiveness for pet parents. Let’s find out more.

Gently Cooked Food Packs a Nutritional Punch

Many people believe that cooking food strips it of all its nutrition, which is largely untrue. While it is factual that some raw foods–vegetables in particular–can provide vitamins and minerals in different forms than their cooked counterparts, gently cooked dog food still offers your dog wholesome nutrition and is leagues better for them than kibble is. When food is processed for long periods of time over high heat, that’s when it loses a portion of its nutritional value. Our production process does not introduce heat that’s too intense or for a long duration.

What’s more, cooking meats and animal products like bones can actually help extract nutrients and provide them to your dog in a safe and easily digestible form. In particular, you should never feed your dog bones as they present a choking and safety hazard, but bone broth for dogs provides a whole host of health benefits from a healthier digestive tract to a shinier coat.

Gently Cooked Food is Easier to Handle Than Raw Food

When you serve your dog raw food, especially animal products, you need to have a proper understanding of food handling standards as well as identification and avoidance of common food pathogens. The average pet parent probably won’t have the time or capacity to take such a course. What’s more, careful handling of raw food often requires daily preparation time that really detracts from its overall convenience.

When improperly prepared, raw food also has the potential to spread bacteria and disease to humans living in the house. According to a 2018 veterinary study, a high percentage of raw pet diets were found to have potentially harmful bacteria. Common foodborne diseases like e.coli can quickly and easily be transmitted by letting your dog lick you.

Gently cooked dog food offers your dog the same wholesome ingredients without the hassle of frequent preparation. Additionally, you’re much less likely to accidentally contaminate your dog’s food by handling it improperly. When you source your food from a veterinarian-approved producer, 90% of the work is already done for you!

Domestic Dogs Don’t Need to Eat Like Their Ancestors

A common argument in favor of raw diets for dogs posits that they are the most biologically appropriate for our pets since their ancestors ate raw and locally available foods. However, couldn’t the same be argued for humans? Domestic animals have evolved significantly from their early counterparts; in their roles as human companions, their activity levels, “jobs,” and drive to hunt are all completely different. 

If we fed our dogs to mirror their ancestors’ diets, they would probably be consuming much more protein than they really need. It’s ok for our dogs to consume foods that aren’t quite as primal! Gently cooked foods can be easier to digest and more balanced for the average house pet.

Shop Local for Gently Cooked Dog Food

When you’re ready to switch your dog to a gently cooked diet, it’s a great idea to choose your food from a local company. Pawsitively Pure Dog Food offers gently cooked dog food in Orlando, made in small batches and responsibly sourced to help keep your dog’s tail wagging. Visit us at one of our favorite farmers’ markets each weekend, or shop online!

Put Your Paw Down: Say Goodbye to Kibble

Picture this: You open your pantry to figure out what to make for dinner. To your dismay, your pantry is stocked with a lifetime supply of a “nutrient cereal” that doesn’t taste great and doesn’t make you feel very good, either. But day after day, meal after meal, you pour yourself bowls of this cereal, because it’s all you have.

Sounds pretty dismal, right? 

It turns out that your dogs might find it dismal, too. 

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The Raw Feeding Revolution

In 2015, 37% of pet owners noted interest in raw or human-grade diets for their dogs, according to An additional 13% were already providing their dogs with raw diets. Those percentages have only continued to grow. Many pet parents begin their journey to human-grade feeding after they realize the risks associated with feeding mass-produced foods. 

We created Pawsitively Pure dog food for that very reason: After a major pet food recall in 2007, we knew we needed to take our dogs’ dietary health more seriously. We consulted with veterinarians to learn about nutritional balance and used that knowledge to develop our own dog food. Since we started feeding our dogs lightly-cooked, human-grade food, we’ve noticed significant improvements in their energy levels, coat condition, and weight management.

Don’t just take it from us, though. Here are a few reasons why you should ditch the kibble ASAP.

How do you know what’s in your kibble?

Sure, the front label of your store-bought kibble says that it’s “Beef and Vegetables Flavor,” but that doesn’t mean there’s much beef or many vegetables to be found. Many major pet food manufacturers use clever verbiage like “dinner,” “flavor,” and “entree” to make you think it’s packed with good stuff, but usually, kibble contains a lot of filler.

Often, the meat used for kibble is deemed unfit for human consumption. Manufacturers select low-quality ingredients to help save on costs. Many times, your dog is also eating bones, feathers, and other byproducts in their kibble. Not only is this gross, it doesn’t give your dog any positive nutritional value.

Can your dog digest kibble properly?

Animals digest significantly more protein from raw and lightly cooked diets than they do from kibble, according to a recent study. As a result, kibble-fed dogs often have to poop more than their raw-fed counterparts to get rid of all that excess waste. 

In the same way that processed foods are less nutritious for humans than whole, unprocessed foods, processed kibble offers little real nutritional value to your dog. Often, kibble is packed with carbohydrates, and unless your dog is particularly active, an abundance of carbohydrates can lead to obesity. 

Have you ever noticed that kibble never goes bad?

If you leave a bag of kibble open to the air, it won’t go bad the way real food does. Of course, you’ll probably attract some ants and roaches, but that’s a different story. Commercially produced kibble doesn’t have an expiration date because it’s packed with preservatives. According to Cali Raw on, many of these preservatives can be toxic when consumed in large amounts. 

We understand that it may be more convenient to be able to buy one large bag of food and not worrying about it going bad before it runs out; however, we believe that a dog’s nutrition should take precedence over convenience! Besides, with next-day doorstep delivery in Florida from Pawsitively Pure, you’ll never have to worry about running out of food when you need it.

Visitors, we would love to hear from you. If you haven’t started feeding a human-grade diet, what’s holding you back? If you have, how has it changed your dogs’ lives? Join us on Facebook to let us know.