Posts tagged companionship
How Getting a Dog Can Improve Your Health

Truly a Human’s Best Friend

I’ll never forget the day we brought Jackson home for the first time. He was just a soft, sweet, curious puppy, with a lifetime of exploration and play ahead of him. We took him on his first walk, watched him gobble up his first treats, and guided him through new tricks and tasks. There’s no doubt that he (and his brother who came later) has improved our lives immensely. Dogs light up our lives every day!

We’re not the only ones who feel this way about our dogs! In fact, studies have shown that dogs have significant positive effects on their humans’ mental and physical health. Here are just a few of the ways dogs improve our lives: 

They’re great companions.

Whether your dog is your little shadow or they prefer to be a little more independent, dogs provide us with companionship unlike any other. Humans are social creatures, and current social distancing and self-quarantine regulations are keeping many of us separated from our friends and family. Dogs have been a saving grace for many who find themselves isolated from their neighbors at this time. Even in normal situations, dogs are our best friends! Who else is ready to play or go for a walk or cuddle on the couch at a moment’s notice?

They help reduce our stress levels.

Studies from Purdue University and the University of Pennsylvania have shown that people who own dogs have significantly reduced stress levels compared to those who don’t. In fact, these studies showed that dog owners often had reduced blood pressure, more regular breathing, and a reduction in body tension--in short, dog owners showed less of the negative health conditions brought about by excess stress. Don’t forget that playing with your dog can also help increase your serotonin and dopamine levels. Pure happiness!

They encourage you to exercise regularly.

Dogs are active creatures! The distant descendants of wolves, running, playing, and tracking are in their nature. They need physical stimulation to keep their mental and physical health intact. Many of your dog’s activities also include physical exercise for you, too! There are so many fun activities to try with your dog in the summer months. Try going for a long hike on a trail, or bring them with you for a dip in the pool. Even a game of frisbee in the backyard is a great way for both of you to get some fresh air and exercise.

Dog parents know that daily life is significantly improved when you have a dog by your side. Dogs are incredibly intuitive; they know how to cheer us up when we’re down, and they’re eager to celebrate our happy days with us. Has your dog improved your life? Tell us your story on Facebook. To give your dog the wholesome, human-grade nutrition they need to keep them going, visit the Pawsitively Pure Dog Food shop here. 
