Smile! Human-Grade Food and Your Dog’s Teeth

If you’re a dog owner, you’ve probably experienced your fair share of halitosis coming from your furry friend. Yes, we love our pups, bad breath and all; but whether you realized it or not, bad breath doesn’t have to be the default for dogs. While your pup may never have minty-fresh breath, severe halitosis and odor from the gums and teeth may be a sign of a health issue that can develop into something bigger if left unchecked.

One of the many reasons why we feed our dogs with human-grade dog food is because it’s been proven to support better oral health. Here’s how:

  • No added sugars. Just like processed human foods, processed kibble tends to include a lot of sugar-based fillers to make it more appealing and preserve it for longer. All that extra sugar leads to buildup and tooth decay - yes, just like it does to humans! Reducing the amount of sugars in your dog’s diet can be a huge helper in staving off plaque and freshening their breath.

  • It includes tooth-protecting enzymes and nutrients. The nutrients found in fatty acids, COq10, and folic acid, have been shown to strengthen gum tissue and help stave off periodontitis. Our bone broth and dog food are chock full of healthy ingredients including these nutrients, leaving your pup with a more comfortable mouth.

  • It makes it easier to add in supplements. If you have a picky dog, you’ve probably gone through the struggle of trying to add supplements to their kibble, only to have them pick around it. Flavorful bone broth is a great way to disguise additional supplements in your pup’s food and can blend completely so they can’t pick around it. They may even learn to love their supplements in time!

While oral health isn’t always at the forefront of a dog owner’s mind, it’s an important part of your dog’s overall wellness. Keeping the teeth and gums strong can help dogs lead active lifestyles and keep their body safe from other infections. To learn more or to browse through our human-grade dog products, click here. Want to know where else you can find Pawsitively Pure? Check out our blog here!

Ingredient Spotlight: Perfectly Amazing Pumpkin

It looks like fall is officially here! Everywhere, we’re seeing people and businesses trade in their beach towels and sunscreen for pumpkin spice lattes and scarves. Well - maybe not scarves here in Florida, but it’s undeniable that the air is starting to get a little more crisp, and the days are getting shorter. As October approaches, we’re getting ready for the holiday season to begins.

You may not have realized that a holiday staple for many is also a great source of nutrition for your dog! Pumpkin is one of the main ingredients in our peanut butter and pumpkin dog treats, and it’s not just the tasty flavor that pups love. Here are just a few ways your dog can benefit from a little pumpkin:

  • It’s great for upset tummies. If your dog has ever had an upset stomach, your veterinarian may have recommended you to feed them some pumpkin puree from the can. Pumpkin is a particularly effective ingredient for dogs who have sensitive stomachs, making it a great addition for any dog who is transitioning from kibble to a raw diet.

  • It’s full of fiber. Pumpkin is a miracle food for dogs, as it treats both diarrhea or upset and constipation. Pumpkin is full of fiber - nearly three grams per cup of puree. Substituting part of your dog’s diet with pumpkin is a great way to help them lose weight while still providing them with all the nutrients they need to live healthy lives.

  • It’s an important source of beta-carotene. You may have heard of the benefits of beta carotene in your own diet; provided by foods like carrots, sweet potato, and spinach, it supports healthy vision and works as an antioxidant. The great news is that it does the same for your pup! Supporting healthy vision is so important for active dogs who like to spend time outside.

Introducing a small amount of pumpkin to your dog’s daily diet is a tasty way to help them get all the nutrients they need to live healthy lives. It’s a good addition whether they’re eating kibble or living on a natural food diet! Order some of our peanut butter and pumpkin treats and see the difference for yourself. Visit our website to learn more.

Pure Health: Rocket's Pawsitively Pure Story
rocket dog.jpg

Here's a review from Rocket's humans: 

"Picked up another couple bags of Rocket's super-cool, super-clean, super-pure food yesterday from our friends at Pawsitively Pure. As you can see, he LOVES the food! He's also quite stylish in his bandana. ;-)We've certainly noticed a difference in his coat and skin since he began eating the Turkey and Vegetables Human Grade Food. The scabs are gone, he smells much better and he's happier. That makes us happy!

Even though the fine folks that make Pawsitively Pure are right around the corner from us they can ship frozen food right to your door. Easy-Peasy! Go check 'em out and tell them RocketMan sent you. And, Yes, he really is that cute! :-) - Mommy, Daddy & Rocket <3"

We're so happy that Rocket has been experiencing better health and happier days since he made the switch to Pawsitively Pure! Ready to start your Pawsitively Pure journey? Browse our shop and get started!

Noticing These 3 Symptoms in Your Dog? They May Have Food Allergies.

As you probably know by now, your dog’s diet has a lot to do with their activity levels and overall well being. Food is your dog’s first source of energy and nutrition. It’s also their first source of irritants and pollutants. Often, your dog will let you know that they’ve eaten something they don’t like by vomiting or displaying other gastrointestinal distress. Sometimes, however, symptoms may show up differently than you’d expect.

Beef, dairy, and wheat are among the three most common food allergies dogs experience. Here’s how you can tell your dog’s system doesn’t agree with some of the ingredients in their food:

  • Constantly itchy skin. Itchiness is one of the most commonly cited symptoms of food allergies, usually accompanied by pink skin underneath. If your pup seems to itch without relief or is losing patches of hair due to too much scratching, there’s a good chance the cause is a food allergy - especially if over-the-counter shampoos and solutions don’t seem to work.

  • Reddish-brown stains around the mouth and paws. Generally, these red patches can be attributed to yeast colonies, which are better able to grow at infection sites. These patches are often itchy and you may notice your dog licking its paws more than usual.

  • Frequent ear infections. While dogs that are frequent swimmers are prone to swimmer’s ear, food allergens can also cause recurring infections in your furry friends. Check the ears for dark brown or black, stinky buildup. This, too, is usually caused by a yeast infection triggered by the appearance of an allergy.

What’s the next step if you think your dog has a food allergy? The most reliable test is through an elimination diet, which can take about 4-6 months to complete. In a program like this, you’ll take your dog’s diet back down to the very basics and slowly reintroduce each ingredient to determine how it affects their overall wellness. As always, consult your veterinarian before going on a program such as this.

Human-Grade Dog Food for Healthy Coat

Many pet parents find that their fur babies have healthier skin and coat after switching to a human-grade diet. Keeping your dogs on a simple, natural diet makes it easy to tell what ingredients work in harmony with their systems. Get human-grade dog food delivered to your door from Pawsitively Pure. Click here to browse our products.

Sweet Treat! Benefits of Blueberries for Your Pup

There’s nothing better than a big bowl of fresh, sweet berries to enjoy as a summertime snack! For years, blueberries have been touted as a superfood and enjoyed for their juicy sweetness and their health benefits. But did you know that blueberries pack a lot of awesome nutritional benefits for your dog, too?

Here at Pawsitively Pure, blueberries are among our favorite treats for our boys. Stick them in the freezer for a cool, crunchy snack on a hot afternoon, or try them in our Blueberry and Oats natural dog treats! Blueberries are a wonderful addition to any dog’s diet as a treat because:

  • They help protect eyes. Older dogs in particular are susceptible to cataracts, especially if they’ve spent most of their time having fun in the sun. Studies have shown that blueberries help improve dogs’ nighttime vision as well as restoration of their visual acuity after exposure to glare. Keep your furry friend in good visual health for longer.

  • They’re anti-carcinogenic. According to the Veterinary Cancer Society, cancer is the leading cause of death in 47% of dogs. Blueberries are full of a number of different compounds that help to prevent a variety of types of cancer, including colon cancer. Studies have even shown that the phenolic compounds in blueberries can cause cell death in cancerous cells.

  • They’re great for the brain. Blueberries also contain a number of compounds that help support the brain’s function, especially later in life. They’re also great for puppies in that they provide nutrients shown to support spatial learning and memory, like Anthocyanin. Your old dog really can learn new tricks with the support of this tasty snack!

We love blueberries as a tasty and healthy addition to your dog’s diet. When you choose human-grade food for your dogs, you want to be sure you’re getting the freshest natural ingredients. Pawsitively Pure Dog Food features all natural, organic products, good enough for you AND your dog to eat (but please leave the snacking to the pups!). To view our available products, click here.