Paws Up! Your Ultimate Guide to Paw Care

Brown and white dog lifting its paw near its nose

Who Doesn’t Love Dog Paws?

No one can deny just how precious dog paws are. Long-haired or short, fluffy or sleek, each dog’s paw is unique and beautiful. But dog paws aren’t just there for our admiration; your dog’s paws are important for your dog’s overall quality of life, as they allow your dog to walk, run, play, jump, and perform tricks. They even assist with temperature regulation, stability, and protection. 

Here’s the thing: since most dogs generally don’t wear shoes outside, their feet are exposed to many more irritants and potentially harmful obstacles than our own feet. Whether your dog picks up traces of pesticides in their paws or gets scrapes and cuts from sharp rocks and detritus, their overall wellness can be at risk if their paws aren’t treated with proper care and attention. Keeping an eye on the condition of your dog's paws can give you important information about their overall health.

Pay Attention to the Paws

Take a close look at your dog’s paws. Are they smelly? Are the nails overgrown? Are they matted or covered in hitchhikers? Is there a pinkish color to them? Each of these conditions can give you a heads up that your dog may need a medical checkup. As is the case when you have injuries or skin conditions on your feet, your dog will find difficulty walking and carrying out their day-to-day activities with unhealthy paws. 

Keep in mind that most dogs aren’t comfortable having their paws handled without a little preliminary acclimation. According to Wag Walking, your dog’s paws are important receptors of sensory information, so it can make them feel vulnerable to have their paws touched or held. What’s more, they can be reluctant to offer their paws if they’ve been injured during grooming or nail trimming. To help put your dogs at ease, start training as soon as possible and reward them with high-value treats for staying calm when you touch and hold their paws.

How to Keep Your Dog’s Paws Healthy

There are a number of prevention and maintenance tasks you can perform at home to keep your dog’s paws in great shape.

Protect Paws in Extreme Temperatures

Here in Central Florida, our summers get exceptionally hot; so far, our hottest day in Orlando was June 15 when temperatures reached 98 degrees. Our hot summer days heat asphalt and concrete to temperatures that may be uncomfortable for our dog's paws and can even cause burns, leaving them prone to infection. Do what you can to avoid walking on the road during peak temperatures, and if you have to travel at those times, get a set of protective shoes for your dog. Similarly, if you’re in an area that gets lots of snow and ice, a set of protective booties can protect your dog’s paws from injury and discomfort.

Monitor Excessive Licking

When your dog licks their paws, they may be trying to soothe a sore or itchy spot that’s bothering them. Excessive paw licking can be a sign that your dog has food allergies, environmental allergies, or an open wound. What’s more, that licking can lead to further issues since the damp paw creates the perfect environment for fungal infections to take root. If you notice your dog licking their paws more than usual, it might be a good idea to schedule a vet appointment.

Take Special Care When Trimming Nails

Trimming your dog’s nails helps to keep them comfortable during their daily activities as overgrown nails affect the way their paws rest on the ground. However, if you’re not careful when you trim or your dog squirms too much, you may wind up nicking the quick and causing bleeding and pain. If you’re nervous about trimming your dog’s nails, your vet probably offers a nail trimming service at a reasonable price.

Additionally, keep an eye on the quality of your dog’s nails. Dewclaws especially tend to get caught in fabrics and may crack or rip. For us humans, a broken nail is an inconvenience that can cause some tenderness, but for dogs, nails are integral parts of the claw and damage can cause severe pain and further health complications. It’s important that you address nail damage as soon as possible with the help of your vet. 

Clean and Pamper Your Dog’s Paws

As we mentioned above, your dog’s paws tend to collect traces of pesticides, fertilizers, and other environmental hazards that can make life less comfortable for humans and dogs alike. While all dogs aren’t susceptible to environmental allergies, accumulated pollutants can still cause itching and discomfort and can also cause a health hazard for your human family. To help eliminate this issue, give your dog a pawdicure! Regularly clean and bathe your dog’s paws with a gentle but effective cleanser, and try to wipe their feet each time they come inside. When their paws are dry, you can apply a paw balm for extra soothing and protective effects. 

Love Your Dog From Snout to Paws!

Canine health care involves taking care of every part of your dog from head to paws! Proper paw care can help your dog maintain their overall quality of life and keep them active and comfortable. Visit our online shop to get our organic paw balm to keep your dog’s paws feeling their best!