The Most Important Summer Safety Tips for You and Your Dog

Stay Cool in the Hot Florida Summer

Summertime is a lifestyle here in Central Florida. Taking trips to the beach, strolling through botanical gardens, and splashing in the local springs are just a few of the things we do to embrace (or cool down from) the heat of the season. The summer is a great time to enjoy some outdoor activities with our dogs, too! Active and adventurous dogs can burn off some energy and get their exercise by joining you for your favorite outdoor activities.

As always, a little preparation and some safety considerations can help make your summer stress-free. Extreme summer temperatures can become uncomfortable for us humans, and the same goes for our pets! What’s more, the arrival of summer insects and other critters as well as crowded spaces mean that we may have some new situations to navigate with our furry friends. Keep a few dog health and safety tips in mind to help make this summer a season you won’t forget.

Summer Safety for Your Dog

Dogs of all ages, breeds, and life stages need some special summertime care. Most of these important summer safety tips for your dogs deal with regulating high temperatures and ensuring safety outdoors. Here are the safety precautions we use with our dogs before heading out for some summer fun. 

Avoid overheating in any situation

As we mentioned before, extreme summer temperatures can be uncomfortable for our dogs; in the worst-case scenarios, soaring heat can also have negative health effects on our pets. First and foremost, never, ever leave your dog unattended in a hot, parked car. According to the AKC, when outside temperatures reach 80 degrees, the temperature inside a car can reach 120 degrees in minutes. Exposing your dog to such temperatures can cause heat stroke, brain damage, and death. As a rule of thumb, we avoid taking our dogs on trips where we would have to park and leave them inside – it’s just easier and more comfortable for everyone involved.

Additionally, pay attention to the heat of the sidewalk or sand when you’re taking your dog for a walk. Avoid walking on asphalt as much as possible. Experts note that if a surface is uncomfortably hot on your own feet, it will be uncomfortable on your dog’s paws. Try getting your dog a set of summer walking booties for extra protection. Organic paw balm can provide great relief for your dog’s paws after a walk, too! 

Stay hydrated

Your dog might not sweat like we do, but they still lose plenty of hydration during the day through normal bodily functions, like panting, breathing, and going potty. Believe it or not, dogs even sweat through their paws, especially on hot summer days. Dehydration can cause serious health issues for your dog, like lethargy, weakness, and an elevated heart rate. According to Heaven at Home Pet Hospice, dogs can become severely ill after losing just 10-15% of their bodies’ water content. 

To prevent dehydration, always make sure you have a source of clean water and a dish for your dog to drink from when you plan on being outside and active for more than 20 minutes. Avoid any strenuous activities during the hottest part of the day; save your long walks for the mornings and evenings. If you take your dog to the beach, saltwater is NOT safe for dogs to consume for rehydration, even if it is cool and inviting. Some dogs don’t like drinking from shared water bowls or don’t drink when they’re overstimulated, so if this is your dog, you might want to cut your outside time short. 

Bring proper identification

The summer is full of lots of new stimuli. Your dog may be tempted to zoom off to chase other dogs in the park or a squirrel - or they may bolt at the sound of fireworks or thunder. Always make sure your dog is properly microchipped and has all the necessary tags with your information in case they zoom off. Additionally, always make sure you keep your dog on a leash unless you’re in a designated off-leash area. 

Let your dog set the pace

It’s so tempting to start running at full speed the second you hit the beach with your dog, but if your dog isn’t particularly active, this can leave them susceptible to injuries and discomfort. Let your dog set the pace of your activities and never, ever push them beyond their comfort level. Just like you need to warm up before you spend time at the gym, your dog needs to have their muscles warm and primed before they participate in any strenuous activity.

Fuel Your Summer with Wholesome Nutrition

A healthy, wholesome diet is the perfect fuel for any summertime activities! Pawsitively Pure Dog Food makes wholesome, gently-cooked dog food, treats, and bone broth that are packed with nutrients to keep your dog playing all summer long. Visit our online shop to order today!