Top 3 Misconceptions About Bone Broth for Your Dogs

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As you probably know if you’re reading this blog, we’re big fans of bone broth for dogs. We currently have one senior dog at home and have cared for other senior dogs before him, and bone broth is a godsend for an old dog that doesn’t feel like eating. It also provides benefits for dogs at every other life stage, from improving gut health to keeping their joints supple and their coats clear and smooth. When it’s incorporated into your dog’s regular diet, it can increase their vitality, their alertness, and put a little extra pep in their step.

Not everyone shares our enthusiasm for bone broth, however. While browsing online, we’ve seen a handful of misconceptions about bone broth going around, including these ones:

Misconception 1: Cooking bones destroys all nutrition

It’s a fact that some vitamins and minerals are vulnerable to heat and leaving food in its raw state is better for their absorption. However, bone broth is chock full of nutrients that can be delivered to your dog’s system in a short amount of time when compared with the effort they would need to make to chew up an entire raw bone. Bone broth is a nutritional powerhouse, full of amino acids, vitamins, and minerals that help keep your pup happy and healthy.

Misconception 2: Any old meat or vegetable stock will do

You should only feed your dog with safely-prepared bone broth that has no additives and nothing extra for flavor. Store-bought chicken and beef stock are often boosted with sodium, an excess of which can lead to weight gain and stomach issues in your dog. Stock is also usually made with vegetables like onions and garlic that can be toxic to your dog. Pawsitively Pure’s bone broth is specially formulated for dogs, with nothing but wholesome nutrition in each pouch.

Misconception 3: It will be impossible to get my picky dog to try bone broth

The amazing and convenient thing about bone broth is that you can add it to your dog’s regular meal as an extra tasty treat. Bone broth mixes well with dry food and wet food alike, and can even encourage your dog to chow down on their dinner if they don’t seem to want to eat. Give it a try -- warm up a little bone broth in a bowl and serve it to your dog at their next mealtime. We bet it won’t take much encouragement for them to try at least a few slurps.

Bone broth is such a versatile nutritional supplement that it makes sense to add it to just about every dog’s diet. Whether you give it to them on its own, use it as a topping for their dinner, or even freeze it as a cold treat in a Kong toy, bone broth is a delicious and nutritious way to keep your dog healthy. To learn more about Pawsitively Pure’s bone broth for dogs, head over to our store page or contact us here

Lex Burton